Listenting perimiere audio drama: Gjennom garden

Listenting premiere audio drama: THROUGH THE GUARD

Marius Kolbenstvedt

02/12/2021 - 13:30 - 14:30


– memorial for boys’ voices –

Audio theater about masculine upbringing and violence. The performance takes the form of a collective monologue, based on memories from growing up in Oslo in the 1970s and 80s, and the gradual discovery of how violence at the micro level reflects violence on a global level.

Listening premiere. Afterwards, the audio file becomes available on the web.


Script, direction and production: Marius Kolbenstvedt
Music: Tze Yeung Ho, Frank Havrøy, Eirik Raude and Marius Kolbenstvedt
Sound design: Merete Mongstad
Arrangement for choir: Fredrik Otterstad
Actors: Percussionist / actor: Eirik Raude
Singer / actor: Frank Havrøy
Actors: August Sjøenden Havrøy & Marius Kolbenstvedt
Singers: Fredrik Otterstad and members of Sølvguttene
Text consultants: Gro Dahle, Kristina Kjeldsberg, Ole Giæver, Inger Elisabeth Hansen and Christine Schjetlein


Thanks to Familien, Egal Teater and Norsk Scenekunstbruk

A special thank you to Pål Kolbenstvedt for accessing diaries


Supported by the Norwegian Cultural Council, Fund for Sound and Vision, FFUK, Dramatikkens hus, Dramatikerforbundet Oslo Kommune and Spenn