Talk to me

Talk to me

Assitej og Scenekunstbruket

02/12/2020 - 13:00 - 14:00

Assitejfestivalen 2021 Talk to me, wants to raise questions about how performing artists shape, represent and present the young people’s voice on stage. How do we manage to reproduce the voice of young people without just being a weak echo? Are we able to form a language that resonates with a young audience, both verbally and non-verbally?


Scenekunstbruket has for several years worked with the critics’ blog Unge stemmer/Young Voices and the EU project TEEN – Theater European Engagement Network.
Together with Assitej Norway, we invite you to a conversation about how artists can work, and about different ways in which young people’s voices can be lifted into the art public.

The conversation takes place in English, and the participants are encouraged to join.


  • Send e-mail to:
  • Registration deadline: 1 December 2020
  • Date and time of interview: 2 December at 13-14.
  • Platform: Zoom
  • We will send you an email with a link in advance of the call