Goodbye Kitty


29/11/2017 - 13:30 - 14:30
Fra 9 år

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Theater performance, concert and party at the same time!


You are invited to a farewell party! Or is it a welcome party? When you say goodbye to something, you are welcome to something else at the same time. Welcome to see the world a little more. Who do you want to be if you can choose yourself? Can you twist and turn the world like you know it and push the frames that tell you how to “be”?


Children and adolescents have told who they want to be, about models and Hello Kitty, about pink and blue, about what’s normal and abnormal. It has become the performance Goodbye Kitty. Goodbye Kitty! Hello Kitty! Good bye! Goodbye! Goodbye! – to normal and abnormal, to all we must, should and should be. Hello to the new future! Join to celebrate that you can be just the way you want!


Concept and Staging: Rebekka Nystabakk and Huy Le Vo.

The performance has been developed in collaboration with the ensemble.

Scenography, lighting and costume design: Chrisander Brun

composer / actor: Rakel Nystabakk

actors: Ellen Andreassen, Magnus Myhr, Lars August Jørgensen

Producer: Annika Ostwald

text contribution (rap / song): Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad

Coproduction: Barneteatret vårt in Ålesund

Supported by: Norsk kulturråd,, Fond for utøvende kunstnere, Fond for lyd og bilde, Dramatikkens hus og Fond for frilansere

Thanks to: Luca Dalen Espseth and Hilde Arntsen / Association FRI, Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad, Biblo Tøyen by Karen Tømte, Gunnar Steen, all the children and young people who have contributed in the development of the performance.


Target audience: From 9 years

Duration: Approx. 50 minutes

In Norwegian