

Ann Sam Bell

01/12/2021 - 13:30 - 14:30
From 8 years

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Hannah has a mom and a dad and strawberry plants on the balcony. As every year, she looks forward to the strawberries ripening. But this year everything will be different, because mom and dad have suddenly decided to divorce.


STRAWBERRY is a poetic and physical performance by the artist collective Ann Sam Bell about a completely ordinary divorce, told from the child’s perspective. With hurt, angry, sad, playful and comical situations from an everyday life that is divided up like a strawberry shortcake. Hannah’s experiences are intertwined with the life cycle of the strawberry plants, with change as nature’s basic principle.



Text and direction: Nelly Winterhalder
Acting: Torgunn Wold
Percussion: Ulrik Ibsen Thorsrud
Set design: Mie Dinesen, Karina Walgermo Johnsen
List: Ane Reiersen
Costume: Solveig Holthe Bygdnes
Graphic design: Tone Emblemsvåg
Producer: Ingeborg Husbyn Aarsand