
Chameleon Skills

“The Chameleons” is about growing up and cross-cultural identity. About fumbling to find yourself, finding your place and where you belong.

About sending heart emojis to grandma in Tunisia because you don’t speak the same language, about blending in, sticking out, about love that is like candy, about “skin-colored” pencils, about racism and prejudice, about secret codes, about adapting so well that you lose yourself, about finding your group of friends and about how you are allowed to change throughout your life.

When you grow up between two cultures, you, like the chameleon, are an expert at adapting to different environments, people, languages, cultures and codes. You possess a chameleon skill that not everyone has.

“The Chameleons” is a physical performance where text, dance and music are equally important. The soundtrack was composed by 18-year-old Tayza Naing. The performance is based on interviews and texts from young people in Oslo and Viken, conversations with people from cross-cultural backgrounds and the artists’ own experiences.